Tuesday, June 17, 2008


While visiting my husband today and stopping in for a quick chat with his boss, I noticed a bag of stuff sitting on the boss' floor.

"Is the stuff in that bag empty?" I say ...to which he replies "yes, they are"...hmmmm.... "are you throwing them away?"... Yes, he was.... as a matter of fact, he then went on to complain about what a pain in the butt it was to find our recycling center open to drop them off lol

They're now mine. Lots of tins that I can plaster paper, and ribbon and stuff all over hehe



Cyndy said...

That is the BEST score I have seen in awhile!! So FUN!!

Chris said...

Good for you to ask!! I can't wait to see what you create! :) Glad you are out of your funk!!

Sassy Runner Girl said...

Neato.. those would be nice embellishment storage too...